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Motion control + flowers = weird, delightful

Exploring the intersection of technology with art is an installation in Japan called the “Floating Flower Garden” consisting of over 2,300 real, living flowers suspended in the air and motion-controlled. Floating Flower Garden is the latest installation by TeamLab, a Japanese art collective of “ultra-technologists” lead by Toshiyuki Inoko. As viewers move through the installation space, 3D cameras track them, moving the flowers up and out of the way so the viewer is constantly in a hemisphere of flowers, and multiple audience members can be tracked at once. A little different than some of the art I post, but I love the intersection of the organic and outdoors-ey with the technological element of tracking the users and moving the garden… Read More »Motion control + flowers = weird, delightful

Lighting With Video

In a recent LD@Large, John Featherstone spoke of his distaste for the trope of the lighting versus video mentality that pervades parts of our industry. Any production where IMAG is used needs to have a crew that understands the intricacies of lighting for not only the stage, but also for video. I’ve worked with tours and productions that use IMAG many times in my career, and these are some of my strategies for dealing with lighting for video from an LD’s perspective. On my current tour, I have a pretty awful scenario as far as mixed sources are concerned. I have some 700-watt wash movers, some RGB LED washlights without a white emitter, as well as some standard 1200-watt spots… Read More »Lighting With Video