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Some Thoughts On Color Mixing

Over the years, many different lighting companies have come up with many different ways to do color mixing of their lights, and today I’d like to pontificate about some of the different methods and their strengths and weaknesses, and how they fit into different areas of design. Flags: the mixing glass slides back and forth on tracks, moving into and out of the beam. The big strength of the flag system is the speed of the system, but what tends to happen is that as the flags ease into the beam, the gradations show up as visibly uneven coloration within the aerial beam. This isn’t always noticeable, especially during faster moves or on mixing cues where the flags move on… Read More »Some Thoughts On Color Mixing

Top Ten LD Tricks

This post originally written for my friends at Elite Multimedia. It’s hard to be in this industry for a while and not accumulate a wide range of tricks, subtle insider knowledge, and other arcana which collectively fall under the umbrella of “experience”. These are the sorts of things it would have been valuable to know when I was first starting out; things I wish someone had told me. And so now, I pass on my top ten ideas and tricks to you, dear readers. 1) Advance your show No seriously, advance your show. If you show up to a venue and that front color is Rosco 80 instead of 383 and your artistic vibe is all thrown into a tizzy… Read More »Top Ten LD Tricks