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Asphyxia is an experimental film project by Maria Takeuchi and Frederico Phillips, and it uses two Xbox One Kinect sensors to capture the movements of dancer Shiho Tanaka and then renders the data inside a near photo-realistic environment. I first saw tech like this being used by Rob Sheridan (Art director for NIN) on the same’s festival tour with the human-moved video carts. It impressed me then, but this takes the intersection of CGI and inexpensive, off-the-shelf motion-capture tech to a whole new level. as·phyx·i·a from Maria Takeuchi on Vimeo. And a really cool making of video: as·phyx·i·a – Making of from Maria Takeuchi on Vimeo.

Three-Dimensional Figures in Glass Sculptures

The demands of touring and writing several articles for other people has prevented me from updating this blog as often as I’d like, which is, I think, a good problem to have. Today I break the streak of non-posting with an art-related post, an installation at the New York City Ballet, which the artist – Dustin Yellin – calls Psychogeographies. Consisting of found objects and paint sandwiched between pieces of glass, they are spectacular: The process of them being made is quite beautiful, too: I love the beautiful sweeping forms, the snapshot of motion frozen in the glass. They almost look as though they are moving, which I’m sure was the intention.