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Review: The Lightshark LS-1

Note: my reviews are highly opinionated, longer than your average Costner film, and prone to digressions. While portions of my reviews appear in print, the versions that appear on this blog represent my own personal opinion, and not the opinion or views of any of the magazines I write for. Think of these as expanded reviews to break out of editorially-imposed word limit for the magazine articles. A choice of console is a personal one. A comforting familiarity lies in the execution of keystrokes, muscle memories made into clicks and keypresses with nigh-thoughtless precision. The term itself is a misnomer, for of course memories are “stored” (that word itself being misleading, but this is PLSN, not the journal Neuroscience)and accessed in the brain, not the… Read More »Review: The Lightshark LS-1

Simple Things All Moving Lights Should Do

For those who don’t know, one of the things I do for fun and profit is review moving lights for an industry rag, PLSN. This job has given me the opportunity to put my hands on quite a few intelligent lights, and I’ve found some common things that manufacturers do – or don’t – that I think are errors. Here’s a list of the five biggest mistakes that entertainment lighting fixture manufacturers make when designing new lights. Not having data / power pass throughs / not using PowerCON TRUE1 Obviously, some lights do not have pass-throughs because the amount of amperage that they draw would not allow more than one of that type to be placed on a circuit. I… Read More »Simple Things All Moving Lights Should Do