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The Spectral Inadequacy of RGBW

One of the first1 moving-head LED lights that I saw was the GLP Impression X90. Having spent the – well, not years exactly, but enough time in the biz to figure out that the MAC 2000 was more or less How We Did Things, it was pretty nifty. It was small, it was – in deep colors – punchier than moving heads three times its size, and it was blazingly fast in moves. It was a very cool light; a step in the ladder of advancement that had been in motion since we stopped burning bits of rock. The Impression – and back then, we all just called it The Impression, because there weren’t others – made a real splash.… Read More »The Spectral Inadequacy of RGBW

Fixture review: The Claypaky Sinfonya Profile 600

This review originally appeared in PLSN. Author’s note: this article is written based on specifications and video footage, and I have not physically seen the fixture. Further, as of the time of this writing, the user manual for this fixture is incomplete, so several aspects of features and fixture control are unable to be evaluated at this time. -CR Theater environments present unique demands. Noise, of course, is an obvious one – actors are not always sound reinforced, relying on power and elocution to be heard in the cheap economy seats, so quiet fixtures are a must. Quality of light is equally or more important – theaters somewhat famously being holdouts on the LED revolution in favor of what they… Read More »Fixture review: The Claypaky Sinfonya Profile 600