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Cool Lamp Monday

Via Colossal comes The Cloud: The Cloud is an interactive lamp and speaker system, designed to mimic a thundercloud in both appearance and entertainment. Using motion sensors the cloud detects a user’s presence and creates a unique lightning and thunder show dictated by their movement. The system features a powerful speaker system from which the user can stream music via any Bluetooth compatible device. Using color-changing lights the cloud is able to adapt to the desired lighting color and brightness. The cloud also has alternative modes such as a nightlight and music reactive mode.

Nature's Light at Her Most Breathtaking

Via Vimeo comes Stormscapes 2, in which photographer Nicholaus Wegner spent months photographing severe weather on the high plains of the United States. The results are incredible: Stormscapes 2 from Nicolaus Wegner on Vimeo. The power of atmospheric weather events can be, in the deepest and truest sense of the word, awesome. It’s humbling to remember that no matter how big a rig I can throw at an audience, the truly awesome power of a storm system is an order of magnitude more breathtaking.