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Glowing Bicycle Paths are pretty dang cool

From the Netherlands, where a significant population bikes home at night, design Daan Roosegaarde’s created a glow in the dark bicycle path: Nuenen is the hometown of Van Gogh, and the city commissioned this bicycle path as a tribute to the artist, and the design of the path echos the swirls and brushstrokes of The Starry Night. Unlike the equally-cool project that they’re doing involving painting highways with ultra-high intensity glow in the dark paint, the bicycle path uses small LEDs which get their power from nearby solar arrays. A beautiful intersection of lighting technology, art, and public works.

Hypothetical set series – Astronomy

With the abundance of downtime that I typically see during the last two months of the year, I thought I’d sit down and turn some of the ideas that make their way into my physical paper sketchbook into 3D renderings, both to keep myself sharp on the modeling side but also to showcase my designs in a way that is more physically accurate than my poor perspective-drawing abilities can realize. When I’m sitting doodling thinking about a particular theme, the design that emerges from that is largely use-agnostic. That is, it could be adapted for just about anything a client would like to use it for – a house of worship, a conference, a theatrical production, whatever. With that in… Read More »Hypothetical set series – Astronomy