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DRY LIGHTS from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo. According to the description, this video is “A trip through an electric desert, Dry Lights unfolds in an imagined environment of cacti and canyons, moving from hidden caves to lonely cliffs along pulsating rivers of light.” This sort of artwork immediately calls to mind several previous videos showcasing projection mapping onto natural elements such as trees and grass, except this one is entirely done with GCI. Of course, a lot of this could have been done with actual projection, but the CG looks better than the real thing would have. I always find this sort of CG inspiring, using the tech to showcase what would be possible in the real world, but making… Read More »DRY LIGHTS

Lightning Art from Marc Simon Frei

Arcing is generally something we try to avoid in our industry, but photographer and artist Marc Frei has been using Tesla coils to product these amazing photographs. It looks to me as though the discs that the arcs are flowing over are a dielectric material, perhaps glass, but I don’t know enough about this to be sure. Either way, a beautiful example of a naked arc providing dramatic lighting effects. More available at the artist’s Google Plus page.