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Iranian architecture

Iranian photographer Mehrdad Rasoulifard (@m1rasoulifard) is taking his Instagram followers on a visual journey through the history of Iranian architecture and design. Iran is home to one of the oldest civilizations in human history, and the architecture and tilework are stunningly beautiful; breathtaking to behold. There’s some amazing inspiration to be found in here for set designs and artwork. The tilework here is awe-inspiring, and the curves and geometric shapes remind me of coral or geological formations like Giant’s Causeway. I wonder what the inspiration for the various artists were.

Space Glass

I love glass artwork. Glass has the ability to be both incredibly strong and yet in its brittleness lies a fragility that we’re all familiar with. Japanese artist Satoshi Tomizu sculpts amazing glass spheres which appear to contain planets, galaxies and beautiful tentril-like galactic structures, and a few others appear to contain delicate flower-like objects. And here’s a cool video showing in part how the artist creates these works.