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Conceptual Design Principles: Fundamentals of Lighting Design for Concerts – Transcript

The following is the script I followed – more or less – for my recent webinar, for hard-of-hearing folks, or if you just want to read the words. Buenas diaz, trawch-no-na mah, or guten abend, whatever works for where you are. Today is Thursday, August 20th, and my name is Craig Rutherford. First in my heart is to say is “Thank you” to all of you who are attending, again. I am right here with all of you in isolation, trying new hairstyles, doing housework, going through the daily grind, and I understand – or at least, I can imagine – the difficulties you are all experiencing. If I may be allowed the privilege of a sort of brief public… Read More »Conceptual Design Principles: Fundamentals of Lighting Design for Concerts – Transcript