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Running wishlist for grandMA3

Here’s a list of things I wish grandMA3 would do, as we transition to it from MA2. Better macro editing. This is probably the biggest one. Currently, there are two ways to edit macros: in the software of the console, or directly editing the XMLs in a text editor. I have a powerful editor, Sublime Text 3, that works very well for this sort of this, especially with add-ons like Text Pastry. But it’s less than ideal for working with very large macros like my color generation macros. I had to make some major changes to one of those macros recently, and this was very painful because I had initially written everything as single lines (each color was generated by… Read More »Running wishlist for grandMA3

The Future of HES WholeHog 4

Or, how to erode the popular support that has flourished for over two decades. Disclaimer, as always: these thoughts are my opinion, not science chiseled into The Granite Tablets of Truth. A choice of console is a personal thing, as I’ve recently argued. For a while there, it seemed that there was only one game in town if you wanted to do big cool shows, that that game was the WholeHog.1 The II was and remains beloved for its innovative features and stability, serviceability, and longevity. My very first tour was on a Hog. Well, sort of – it was a Jands Eschelon, but I doubt there was much different in programming in that desk’s software after the Flying Pig… Read More »The Future of HES WholeHog 4