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Marketing Hype (Or, There Is Always A Catch)

Today I want to talk about something a little different: how we use language to describe the world, the incremental march of technology, immutable physical laws, accuracy in marketing, and how these converge in the case of a prototype product. This will probably wax a bit philosophical, so if that’s your jam, read on. Technology moves incrementally, and batteries are a perfect example. How many times have you seen a Popular Science or Mechanics, or any of the hundred similar magazines on the newsstand, and seen eyeball-grabbing headlines sizzling like so much bacon across the front covers? Promises of new nanotechnology-enabled tech making batteries that last ten times as long and that can charge within seconds. (See here, here, here.)… Read More »Marketing Hype (Or, There Is Always A Catch)

Render Options, 2022 Edition

With the recent demise of the Stage 2 plugin for Cinema 4D, the need has arisen for me to choose a new option for creating renders for clients. This isn’t a choice I’m particularly happy to have to make, as I’ve previously explained, but my last post was the one for complaining, this one will be a technical overview of the current state of my options. This is sort of a light blog post, because I have multiple projects that are taking up a lot of my time today. In terms of requirements, I have few. Whether or not the program does real-time visualization is of little concern to me. It might be nice to have, but it’s not really… Read More »Render Options, 2022 Edition