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Cool Lamp Monday – Bioluminescence

Finally, I’m back off the road and can do things like post for my many one reader. Today’s cool lamp comes from Dutch designer Teresa van Dongen, who designed a lamp that she calls Ambio that uses a species of bioluminescent bacteria in the genus Photobacterium, which she has isolated from octopodes1. She writes on her site that she was inspired by the way these organisms emit light in seawater in response to the motion of waves, and the results are certainly magical: The lamp consists of a tube filled with “Artificial Seawater Medium” (Saltwater?) balanced with a weight on the other end. In order to make the lamp “light up”, one has to give it a little push to… Read More »Cool Lamp Monday – Bioluminescence


First things first, it’s pronounced “myth-os” (soft Y sound) not “meeth-os”. Where on earth did people get the hard Y sound from? We’ve finally seen what Clay-Paky’s new light from a few weeks ago is – it’s the called the Mythos, and it seems to be a direct answer to the popular Robe Pointe, with a few cool upgrades. I saw a demo of these units a few weeks ago and though I haven’t had an opportunity to use them on a gig yet, but here are my initial impressions. First, these units are bright. Really bright. They’re based on an Osram 470-watt lamp, the same as the SuperSharpy, (It’s Super, it’s Sharpy) and based on what I can see… Read More »Mythos