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Nature's Light at Her Most Breathtaking

Via Vimeo comes Stormscapes 2, in which photographer Nicholaus Wegner spent months photographing severe weather on the high plains of the United States. The results are incredible: Stormscapes 2 from Nicolaus Wegner on Vimeo. The power of atmospheric weather events can be, in the deepest and truest sense of the word, awesome. It’s humbling to remember that no matter how big a rig I can throw at an audience, the truly awesome power of a storm system is an order of magnitude more breathtaking.

Rube Goldberg Machine with Light

Via Colassal, comes this amazing advert for the high-speed internet service au Hikari, and builds an entire Rube Goldberg machine powered by nothing more than a beam of light. Along the way it melts ice, pops balloons, and burns strings. Incredible.