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SkyNet: Your Friendly Touring Lighting Designer, Appendix Of Additional Thoughts

Some thoughts that I wrote down during the writing of the previous two articles that didn’t really fit into the articles as written, so I’ll put them here as sort of…an appendix. These aren’t really edited or in any sort of order, they’re just things I hastily scribbled down while researching these articles. But! Robots have not taken all our jobs that they could, today. Service jobs: bartenders, servers. Logo design is a good example of lots of poor quality human and automated services. Good content is hard. Good YouTube channels, for instance, take lots of time, research, and thinking up interesting topics to cover. There are political solutions here, but these are beyond what is appropriate to advocate here.… Read More »SkyNet: Your Friendly Touring Lighting Designer, Appendix Of Additional Thoughts

SkyNet: Your Friendly Touring Lighting Designer, Part II

We find ourselves, quite naturally, at a question – where does this leave humanity? The sorts of AI tech we discussed in our last column need not stop at lighting – the same sort of analysis / generation could fit into a theoretical framework for mixing music tracks, generating audio samples or even voiceovers in specific voices, or doing anything else within the realm of “content creation”. Splash in some advanced natural-language processing¹ and you’ve got yourself an entire show run by robots. Are we all to lose our jobs, destined to eke out an existence delivering pizza in the Metaverse and subsisting on chiseled SPAM? Where, in this techno-dystopian (optimism?) future, do we meatbags fit in? Questions about what… Read More »SkyNet: Your Friendly Touring Lighting Designer, Part II