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Pixel Dance Show – Woah, Dude

Pixel (Link is in French, which I do not speak.) is a an interactive dance event that uses projection-mapping to create some very impressive illusions. It bills itself as “a work on illusion combining energy and poetry, fiction and technical achievement, hip hop and circus” and from the video below, I’d say that “technical achievement” is a bit of an understatement: Pixel – extraits from Adrien M / Claire B on Vimeo. I don’t have the technical details, but my guess is that this is done with a system that tracks the actors in conjunction with some pretty tight timing. My favorite moment occurs at around 1:11, when the projection appears to “fall”. A wonderful example of combing digital art… Read More »Pixel Dance Show – Woah, Dude

Hypothetical set series – A Country Music Set

I designed this with a very specific country music duo in mind, but I won’t say who because it doesn’t matter. As is typical during the last two months of the year, I had a lot of downtime in which to ponder and build (in SketchUp) this set for a country music tour. I know I said a month ago that I was going to try and use Blender to model these from now on, but after some experimentation I think that Blender is probably a poor choice for the sorts of things I want to accomplish. For this set, I wanted to think more about how I’d use automation, if such were available, and ways in which I’d coax… Read More »Hypothetical set series – A Country Music Set