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Show Design and Programming Theory

Following on the heels of post that some people read and apparently enjoyed, I wanted to do another post in the same vein talking about my cueing structure, but also general ideas regarding my design philosophies, picking colors, effects, timing, labelling, etc. Hold onto your hats, folks. We’re gonna… (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Get esoteric. YEEEEAAAHHHHHH (The Who plays in the background) Part I: design theory This is one of the things I get asked about a lot by younger designers or by people who seem to think there is some sort of “Book Of Rules” for design, with every possible BPM value and lyrical content listed with corresponding lighting looks that you’re “supposed” to use. This is not the… Read More »Show Design and Programming Theory

Space Glass

I love glass artwork. Glass has the ability to be both incredibly strong and yet in its brittleness lies a fragility that we’re all familiar with. Japanese artist Satoshi Tomizu sculpts amazing glass spheres which appear to contain planets, galaxies and beautiful tentril-like galactic structures, and a few others appear to contain delicate flower-like objects. And here’s a cool video showing in part how the artist creates these works.