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i-Pix Db1

From the i-Pix site:

The Db1 is a revolutionary new product; a hybrid video and lighting projector, harnessing our proprietary LVVP Technology which brings together two disciplines of entertainment technology: The power of a soft edged washlight driven by both dmx and video input.

I had no idea that i-Pix still existed, much less that they were still working on new products. I was bummed when they went off the map, I still love the look of the BB7. This new product is just as interesting, it appears to be a sort of combination of a video panel and a very bright projector.

Manchester International Festival / Warehouse Project 10×10 event from chris ewington on Vimeo.

It reminds me of sort of a technological successor to the Chromlech Elidy, which also did the “volumetric projection” trick, but this is full-color and appears to be much higher resolution. The product claims to use light valves, of which the liquid crystal sandwiched between polarized glass plates is one familiar example, and based on the pictures on their website I believe this product is an example of that technology used in a novel way. It appears to take DMX, SDI, and HDMI in, though I don’t want to draw too many conclusions about a product I haven’t seen. Either way, the demo videos look very cool and I can imagine some really fun creative uses for this.

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