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We are doomed.

Marketing Hype (Or, There Is Always A Catch)

Today I want to talk about something a little different: how we use language to describe the world, the incremental march of technology, immutable physical laws, accuracy in marketing, and how these converge in the case of a prototype product. This will probably wax a bit philosophical, so if that’s your jam, read on. Technology moves incrementally, and batteries are a perfect example. How many times have you seen a Popular Science or Mechanics, or any of the hundred similar magazines on the newsstand, and seen eyeball-grabbing headlines sizzling like so much bacon across the front covers? Promises of new nanotechnology-enabled tech making batteries that last ten times as long and that can charge within seconds. (See here, here, here.)… Read More »Marketing Hype (Or, There Is Always A Catch)

The Future of HES WholeHog 4

Or, how to erode the popular support that has flourished for over two decades. Disclaimer, as always: these thoughts are my opinion, not science chiseled into The Granite Tablets of Truth. A choice of console is a personal thing, as I’ve recently argued. For a while there, it seemed that there was only one game in town if you wanted to do big cool shows, that that game was the WholeHog.1 The II was and remains beloved for its innovative features and stability, serviceability, and longevity. My very first tour was on a Hog. Well, sort of – it was a Jands Eschelon, but I doubt there was much different in programming in that desk’s software after the Flying Pig… Read More »The Future of HES WholeHog 4