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LDI: Part I

Here are some initial thoughts regarding some of the things I saw at the Live Design International (LDI) trade show. The Clay-Paky Stormy strobe Finally, someone realized that some LDs just do not like the look of LEDs in a direct view application. I love the TMB Flare, but it is certainly one of many direct view LED fixtures on the market. The Stormy (Clay-Paky has chosen an interesting naming convention for its new fixture lines) is an LED strobe that looks like what Clay-Paky calls “a classic strobe”, but everyone will inevitably compare to a Martin Atomic 3000. It certainly bears a superficial resemblance to that fixture, but where the xenon discharge lamp would be, there is a strip… Read More »LDI: Part I

Tour Theory: hierarchical relationships

Taking a break today to talk about some tour theory, if you will. This will be one of those posts that isn’t really gear or project-related. What I want to instead focus on today is leadership styles on touring. If one takes away nothing else further from this screed, take ye this, because its the core of my philosophy on tour: people, in general, hate being given direct orders. What I mean by a direct order is any imperative that comes in the form “X, go do Y.” Language needs to do two things: it needs to convey some sort of content, such as an imperative. “Stagehand, run this cable.” But further, it has to negotiate a relationship type. It… Read More »Tour Theory: hierarchical relationships